Research Stays for the Ph.D. Students of the University of Hohenheim

The INEF network provides scholarships to cover travel expenses and a monthly allowance to cover living expenses in the partner country for Ph. D. students of the University of Hohenheim. Only a stay at one of our partner universities can be supported.
Application documents (in English):
- Motivation letter:
- Referring to the rationale behind the research stay and the connection of the research project to one of the INEF research topics
- Two options of partner universities for the research stay and rationale for the preference (e.g. research focus of the partner institution, existing joint research project)
- Projected period of stay (please note that academic calendars vary in each country. Especially during summer months your research stay or supervision in the partner institution may not be possible in the time period requested.)
- Research proposal (2-3 pages; content: research topic, abstract and state of the research project, relevance for research and current debates)
- CV
Please note that for research stays at Texas A&M only applications within existing research projects with a supervisor at the partner university can be considered.
Application deadline: Due to the corona-virus we are not accpeting any applications at the moment. We will inform you as soon as the situation changes.
For questions about research scholarships please contact Kathrin Steinbrink at
The INEF board decides upon the award of scholarships. Scholarships for stays at partner universities are subject to approval by the partner institution.