General Information

The INEF-Network provides scholarships for members (Ph.D. students and researchers) of the University of Hohenheim to support their stay at partner universities. Scholarships are subject to the approval of the partner universities.
Please note:
The payment of scholarships is subject to the release of funds by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Furthermore, the INEF network provides grants for Ph.D. students and researchers contributing to conferences in the countries of the partner institutions.
The INEF fellows are responsible for arranging the necessary visas, insurance, transport, and accommodation in the partner countries. The INEF office can give advice or provide details of a contact person at the partner university to help organize the stay.
Further funding opportunities for students, graduates and postdocs
For additional funding opportunities please consult the scholarship database provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD):
DAAD Scholarship database:
General information on DAAD-scholarships:
The DAAD is offering a combined health, accident and liability insurance for students and researchers from abroad coming to Germany.
For more information please visit